Sunday, October 16, 2011


We're hosting two more contests this year on Facebook, they are completely free for you to enter! Read each one's complete description for details on how to enter!

You could possibly win a free seasonal holiday Slumber Baggie!!!

One is for Thanksgiving:

And here's the one for Christmas, which will have TWO winners!!


Friday, October 14, 2011


Recently we’ve been reading and hearing more stories of COYOTES in city type settings! Many years ago coyotes were thought to be mostly out west and in prairie type environments! However, with growing human population and expansion paired with the growing population of coyotes we’ve come into a dangerous tango with these wild animals. It is important to remember though that these coyotes are important to the food chain and have their own place in the way of things and deserve respect. But you also need to be aware that coyotes have spread all through Canada, USA and Mexico… and not just in country settings! These coyotes could very well be right in your neighbors backyard scavenging for its next meal in their trash can!
Our maw maw’s boss lives right in the heart of Charlotte, North Carolina which you may know is a very large populated city. There are few natural wild areas left in or around this large and ever growing city. But he still has come to work telling maw maw of siting’s he and neighbors have seen of a recent coyote’s in their fancy smancy neighborhood! So just because you live right in the city please don’t assume you’re safe from wild animals, you’re not!
So then what can you do to protest yourself?!
We recently had a conversation with our bestest buddy, Weezer Bob. Weezer Bob and his family live out west in the state of Arizona! They tell us it’s really pretty and we certainly want to visit them out there one day! But they have lots of coyotes out where they live too! Just recently they were out for their afternoon walk and saw a COYOTE up ahead crossing at a nearby intersection in their neighborhood! Ahhhh! How scary is that?! We asked Weezer Bob if they would mind sharing some information with us on how they protect themselves out in Arizona. Here’s what Weezer Bob had to say,
Never go out for walks at dusk or dawn...especially dusk that is their prime hunting time!! When you are walking, try to make a little noise.. you don't want to startle them if they are hiding close by! We don't have a problem with that because ya'll know I LOVE TO BARK!!!

Also, we try to stay in populated areas, although they do come right up where our houses are sometimes.. We don't go to the washes or the open area behind our neighborhood anymore... lots of weedy fields that they can be hiding in... Very scary for my mom trying to watch out for us!! Occasionally, we do see them during the middle of the day strolling around.

We think of it this way... The coyotes were here first! Some human decided to build this housing development in THEIR habitat, so we respect that... This is where they use to live so only natural they would still be coming around... Everyone just needs to stay smart and not have your pets or little kids out when you know it is a high risk time!! It is the human’s responsibility to respect the wildlife!!
Oh, and NEVER leave any food or water outside your house... That is just an invitation to them!!
Great tips Weezer! Thank you so much for sharing with our readers!
If you’ve never seen a coyote before, consider yourself lucky, but you should also read up on them so if gosh forbid you ever do see one you’ll be better equip to handle the situation. Here’s a link to get you started:
We think they are actually very pretty… kinda like small versions of wolves… but remember NOT friendly and NOT for a pet!
Here are a few tips to keep in mind while venturing out of the house:
If you live in a house where you can have a fence, see if you can talk mommy into installing you a tall privacy fence. Coyotes can still scale a lot of things, but this will help deter them some from wanting to venture into your yard. And tell mommy to stick around with you outside… this will also hopefully deter big birds that might think you are a bunny meal combo!
Coyotes are known carriers of the Rabies Virus. Make sure your mommy checks with the local government in your area to know their procedures on situations involving domestic animals like pets and wildlife like coyotes. See if they will accept paperwork from a titer test done by a veterinarian stating you are protected against the rabies virus from a previous vaccine or if your mommy choses to vaccinate you against rabies always make sure you have the correct documentation. You don’t want to get kidnapped by the dog catcher! Ahhhhhh!
Try to take your walks and outdoor adventures during daylight hours.
If you venture out with mom on nature trails, mountains or go for a jog with those lil’ stumpy legs near woods see if mom can bring another human friend with her. Safety in numbers!
Always try to have a cell phone with you in case of emergencies!
Carry a wack’um stick with you if possible. A lot of people walk with sticks; golf clubs etc. this way if another animal does come towards y’all you have another option for protection.  See if mom could even rig someway to carry it say on a belt so it doesn’t get in the way of her holding on to your leash securely. You do NOT want to run away from mommy!
Things such as pepper spray or other types of animal run away sprays are a good idea too! These will hopefully at least slow an approaching animal down or let’s pray makes it run away. This way you have time to get out of there! Try to research what animals could be in your neck of the woods and what’s the best way to act and react around them for the best and safest outcome.
Strollers are great for older or slower doggies. If you can’t do the whole walk then have mom pick you up a stroller. Then hopefully if something were to come at you mom could toss you in the stroller and zip it up to keep you safe while she handles business on a pesky walk interrupter!
Do NOT leave any type of trash, trash cans or pet food out in the open where wild animals will be attracted to it!
Got anything else to add? Drop us a comment below and thanks for reading our new blog!!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Thursday Fashion Report - Being festive for Halloweenie without wearing a costume

Here we are again in that yummy, but yet frightful time of year. The time where all new wiener dog mothers decide to dress us in an overly huge hot dog costume and giggle hysterically because we have ketchup going down our back. I feel your pain wieners... mom did this to me last year...

Not everyday is Halloweenie or a costume contest, thank you lord! So what's a wiener to do on those crisp fall evenings during his neighborhood stroll or on his shopping trips to and fro for food at the local pet store?

We found the answer during our latest trip to the local Petco store!
We selected a new hoodie, that's sure to stir up some fright in the local children who always, "I wanna peeeet the wieeener doooog" Let's just be honest here... local neighborhood child, I do NOT know where your hands have been - nor do I want to find out! Hands off this sausage, grrr!

Here's the link to the sweater in case you would like to purchase one yourselves. It comes in black / white for the male doggies and a fabulous bright pink and white for the female doggies in your life, both have a skeleton design with a fabulous sprinkling of minature candy corns...yum!!

I typically wear a small in most outfits, I found the small in this particular hoodie to run just a tad to little, but it does still fit and give enough room. The sleeves give just a smidge of flip out at our elbows, it actually looks cute. We of course discovered the hood will not fit properly due to our longer necks and bodies then most other dogs, this was no surprise. But mom did try to lay the hood flat so the design could be displayed. Chance got his traditional medium size, it fit about the same as  mine, it fit but a tad smaller then we're used too. This hoodie does have the cut/sewn hole in it near the hood area for your leash to come through and attach. We saved the best part for last....


Overall, we would say this hoodie is a go on the to purchase list.

Bark at you next week as we debate the pros and cons of making vs. purchasing Halloweenie costumes for dachshund bodies.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Hi fellow doxies and everyone else! Thanks for stopping by and checking out the release of our new blog! We've been reading some amazing blogs lately and since Facepoo has been deleting accounts... we thought hummm perhaps we should start pawing out our thoughts in an alternate venue, just in case...

We got our inspiration from our fabulous fellow wiener friend, Karli. Here's the link to her blog:
You're going to love it!

Check back soon for new posts!